Saturday, 30 September 2017
Quote Unquote - Latest Series
No sooner does one of the fantastic Radio 4 quiz shows come to an end (Grand final of Counterpoint last HERE to listen) than the next one starts. This time of year brings Quote Unquote which it took me some time to appreciate, but after sticking with it for a few series, it has became one of my favourites. The new series starts this Monday on Radio 4 at 3pm.
Friday, 29 September 2017
Eggheads Contestant Call
Eggheads are currently looking for teams (aren't they always!) to compete in the upcoming series. All the information can be found HERE
Eggheads was the first TV show I tried out for back in 2013, and entering with a team of local pub quizzers, we didn't manage to win the £40k on offer (won by a team if students on the very next show). But we had a great day up to Glasgow and I would suggest anyone to give it a whirl. The team, and the Eggheads themselves, are all very friendly and its certainly a worthwhile experience.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Great Lives
Posting up the podcast suggestion yesterday (BBC's Great Lives Series) reminded me of a great Book I have been working my way through this year. Great Lives by The Times. This is a huge tome of obituaries of 124 famous people from History. All fact filled and easy to read. Perfect to get a decent overview into the lives of people who appear in quizzes time and time again. I certainly picked up a lot of interesting facts (and being a question writer, a heck of a lot of material for future questions). The £30 new price tag is hefty, but click the link and head to the Amazon Marketplace section and you will see its available for pennies!
There are several other editions which I intend to dip into (such as Great Scottish Lives) too!
There are several other editions which I intend to dip into (such as Great Scottish Lives) too!
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Useful Podcasts for Quizzing - Great Lives
Over the next few weeks I am going to post up some links to some of the best podcasts currently available that are either directly Trivia focused or are extremely helpful/interesting to quizzers. Many of which you will have heard of and be avid listeners of, but as a huge podcast fan, I know it can be time consuming finding consistently good shows. Hopefully I can help you find one or two more...
I am going to start with one that I am sure you have come across before...Great Lives from the BBC. The link to the shows site is HERE

Each show, as the title suggests, involves an expert, a famous-fan and the presenter discussing the life of a famous figure. The sheer breadth of personalities they have covered over the years is astounding and the show is always consistent with high quality, fact driven discussion.
There is many a time, since I started listening to this religiously, that I have been able to scrape out answers in quizzes because of what I had heard on the show. The archive is huge (currently standing at around 420 episodes on the iplayer radio app/site) all of which can be downloaded for ease of use.
I will recommend many podcasts over the coming weeks that are worth trying, but very few will exceed this in terms of usefulness to quizzing.
I am going to start with one that I am sure you have come across before...Great Lives from the BBC. The link to the shows site is HERE

Each show, as the title suggests, involves an expert, a famous-fan and the presenter discussing the life of a famous figure. The sheer breadth of personalities they have covered over the years is astounding and the show is always consistent with high quality, fact driven discussion.
There is many a time, since I started listening to this religiously, that I have been able to scrape out answers in quizzes because of what I had heard on the show. The archive is huge (currently standing at around 420 episodes on the iplayer radio app/site) all of which can be downloaded for ease of use.
I will recommend many podcasts over the coming weeks that are worth trying, but very few will exceed this in terms of usefulness to quizzing.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Book Suggestion: TV Cream Toys
Another great and very useful book I have read this week (useful for both facts and helping me devise some cracking quiz questions) is TV Cream's: Toys. TV Cream is a site you may have seen before (and if not, its well worth a look) and focuses on the 1960s-1980s. It originated as a site for TV Shows but it now cover's just about everything you could want in terms of nostalgia.
I picked this up from the Amazon Marketplace for pennies (see below link) and its basically and A-Z of Toys and Games from the 1960s to 1980s. Loads of great facts included (including learning who the father of current MP Jesse Norman is? The place Tom Stone, of the parachute regiment has in history?) and a fun book all round.
Well worth a look and would also a be great gift too....
I picked this up from the Amazon Marketplace for pennies (see below link) and its basically and A-Z of Toys and Games from the 1960s to 1980s. Loads of great facts included (including learning who the father of current MP Jesse Norman is? The place Tom Stone, of the parachute regiment has in history?) and a fun book all round.
Well worth a look and would also a be great gift too....
Counterpoint Grand Final
Just in case you missed it, this week saw the Grand Final of the latest series of Counterpoint. One of my favourite quiz shows, and well a listen if you have never tried the series before this is a perfect point to dive in! The show can be heard here for the next few months.
The site itself has a couple of useful quizzes on too!
The site itself has a couple of useful quizzes on too!
Sunderland Echo Quiz League Archive
I have kept meaning to mention on the blog, that the Sunderland Echo Quiz League have been, for the past few seasons, adding some extra sets to the website for people to see. The direct link can be found HERE.
Unlike most leagues, the Sunderland Echo Quiz League is based on team questions with up to 6 brains working at any one time to get the points. I always add my sets to the blog which you may have seen, but the site will give you a flavour of the league. We have some fantastic setters and I am sure you will enjoy them :)
Unlike most leagues, the Sunderland Echo Quiz League is based on team questions with up to 6 brains working at any one time to get the points. I always add my sets to the blog which you may have seen, but the site will give you a flavour of the league. We have some fantastic setters and I am sure you will enjoy them :)
Monday, 25 September 2017
Connection Round Answers
As promised here are the answers to the 3 connection rounds posted yesterday...
Standing in Lancashire, what was
became the tallest structure in England when it first opened in 1894?
Blackpool Tower
What is the surname of the actor who
played Fred Flinstone on film and voiced Sulley in Monsters Inc?
Goodman (John Goodman)
“Never know how much I love you, never know how much I
care, When you put your arms around me” are the opening lines to which famous
Which TV Presenter is the daughter
of journalist Eve Pollard?
Claudia Winkleman
What is the connection between the
above 4 answers?
Strictly Come Dancing
Which British politician lead the
Labour Party from 1983-1992, making him the longest serving Leader of the
Opposition in British History?
Neil Kinnock
Which British celebrity became a
father for the first time in at the age of 54, when his partner Lauren
Silverman gave birth to his son Eric?
Simon Cowell
Which actor links Ron Burgundy,
Ricky Bobby and Elf?
Will Ferrell
Which rapper is married to Beyonce?
What is the connection between the
above answers?
The names of the 4 main characters from “The
Inbetweeners”? (Simon, Will, Neil, Jay)
In 1996, Newcastle United broke the world football transfer
record when they bought Alan Shearer from which other club for £15 million?
Blackburn Rovers
What type of classical female singing voice has the highest
vocal range of all voice types?
Bengal, Siberian and South China are all species of what type of
Which low budget 1998 horror movie
concerns three students who set out to make a documentary in Black Hills
The Blair Witch Project
What is the connection between the
last 4 answers?
Tony (Tony Blackburn, Tony Soprano, Tony
Tiger, Tony Blair)
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Question Time: A Journey Round Britain's Quizzes
Released in the first week of October, Mark Mason's book on quizzing is well worth your time! Having previously written the very entertaining "The Importance of Being Trivial" (see link at the bottom of the page, also well worth your time), this takes a more direct look at Quizzing in the UK featuring many names you will recognise. At just over 200 pages, its a nice brisk read and one or two passages in the book will divide opinion, but other than that I imagine it is a must for quizzers. We are being spoilt a little at the moment with this, the raft of new quiz books from the BBC and the excellent "Joy of Quiz"! All worth your time and all links below!
Pub Quiz - Connection Round
Over the next few days, I will post up some of the Connection rounds of quizzes I have been writing recently. They are aimed at pub quiz audiences so tend not to make them too hard or obscure. Here are the first 3.....answers posted tomorrow.
Which British politician lead the
Labour Party from 1983-1992, making him the longest serving Leader of the
Opposition in British History?
Which British celebrity became a
father for the first time in at the age of 54, when his partner Lauren
Silverman gave birth to his son Eric?
Which actor links Ron Burgundy,
Ricky Bobby and Elf?
Which rapper is married to Beyonce?
What is the connection between the
above answers?
In 1996, Newcastle United broke the world football transfer
record when they bought Alan Shearer from which other club for £15 million?
What type of classical female singing voice has the highest
vocal range of all voice types?
Bengal, Siberian and South China are all species of what type of
Which low budget 1998 horror movie
concerns three students who set out to make a documentary in Black Hills
What is the connection between the
last 4 answers?
Standing in Lancashire, what was
became the tallest structure in England when it first opened in 1894?
What is the surname of the actor who
played Fred Flinstone on film and voiced Sulley in Monsters Inc?
“Never know how much I love you, never know how much I
care, When you put your arms around me” are the opening lines to which famous
Which TV Presenter is the daughter
of journalist Eve Pollard?
What is the connection between the
above 4 answers?
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Quiz Review - The Grange, Sunderland
Venue: The Grange, Sunderland
Night: Tuesday - 9pm
The Grange is part of the "Sizzling" pub chain and I have known about their quiz night for some time, but being just outside the town I have always chosen to attend others for convenience. However, since moving recently this venue is now within walking distance and I decided to try it out last night.
The venue uses the RedTooth "Its Your Round" format (at least on a Tuesday as they do also advertise other quizzes on Wednesdays and a music quiz on Sundays). I am a fan of this format and indeed a fan of RedTooth which has for the last few years some of the best setters in the country producing quizzes for them.
In case you haven't sampled the format before in a nutshell you get - Picture Round, Current Affiars, Top 5 Rounds, GK Trivia Trail, Connections and a GK Wipeout Round. I have spoken before about how well written the questions, and doing a similar set for an alternative company myself, I know how hard it is to get a balance right when you are writing for several different venues. But as always the quiz was spot on. It was the first time my non quizzing (and very tolerant) other half has played a RedTooth and she enjoyed it more than some of the quizzes she has played over the years.
It's a typical "bar man turns quiz host" for the night style affair but there was no obvious cheating (the scores indicated that) and a nice £30 meal voucher for first prize. He did not announced the prizes but 2nd place was also given a voucher of some value.
The night ends off with a Card Bingo session that had a £128 jackpot last night. All in all, a fun, cheat free night of quizzing with the usual high quality of RedTooth questions.
Tip: If you download the Green Card App you can get yourself a free beer at the Sizzling Venues!
Monday, 11 September 2017
Ready Made Pub Quiz
I have been meaning to mention this site for a while. Ready Made Pub Quiz has a wide range of quizzes that have ben uploaded over the last number of years. Of course you can search for tags and such like on topics you want to look into, but each time they upload a quiz (which I think is now up to number 130+) it has the full whack...picture round, general knowledge round and themed round. Great for getting practice on the chestnuts and for (in my case) much needed practice on picture rounds.
Click HERE to view the site
Click HERE to view the site
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Brain of Britain
Speaking of Brain of Britain (see post below about the release of the Brain of Britain quiz book) - applications for the new series are now open. I have been waiting for the 5 year period to elapse since my last outing so I can try and not embarrass myself this time around and received an email this week. is the email to get in touch and they will send a form out :) is the email to get in touch and they will send a form out :)
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Brain of Britain Book
Along with the Only Connect book I mentioned during the week, a Brain of Britain quiz book has also been released this week. Just arrived this morning and flicking through the first few pages and book as a whole, it seems well worth your time...
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Fifteen to One Applications
Thanks to Dave over at the Life After Mastermind Blog for alerting me to the fact that the applications for Fifteen to One's next series are now open
Link is HERE
Link is HERE
Monday, 4 September 2017
Saturday, 2 September 2017
As part of the Lightspeed Quiz buzzer events that run every month up and down the country, the QU12 game is always on of the highlights. Above is a video of the recent set from The Market Tavern in Thornaby with a familiar face involved ;)
Quiz League Set B
As promised the second half of the Quiz League set I set from the Sunderland League a week or so ago...
Sunderland Echo Quiz League
Set by Chesters
Set B
Round 1 - B
1. What surname is shared by the Author
listed by Guinness world records as the bestselling novelist of all time and
a serial killer hanged in 1953 for the murder of at least eight people?
This European
country has a population of just over 1.3 million and consists of a mainland
and around 2,000 islands. It is bordered by Russia in the East and Latvia in
the South and joined Nato as a full member in 2004. Name this country?
3. Only two French players have
scored more than 100 goals in the English Premier League. Thierry Henry is
one….name the other?
Nicolas ANELKA
4. Name either of the chemical
elements to be named after asteroids.
Cerium or
2- B
Brosnan played James Bond in how many films?
2. If you add together the
symphony numbers of Mozarts “Prague Symphony” and Mahler’s “Titan” Symphony
what number do you get?
39 (38 and 1)
3. Which is the smallest and
southernmost of the four main Balearic Islands?
4. Tessa Sanderson is one of only
2 women to compete in 6 consecutive Olympic Games in track and field events.
In which year did she make her Olympic debut?
3 - B
1. At which major tourist
attraction in France would you find “Point Zero”, the point from which all
French distances (especially those to and from Paris) are measured?
Notre Dame
2. Occurring in the 21st
century, who was the last non-British, non-German winner of the Formula 1
World Championship?
Who am I? In 1971 I became the 4th
playwright of the 20th century to be knighted. I served in the Royal Air
Force during World War 2 as a tail gunner which inspired my work “Flare Path”
and I shared a writing credit with Graham Greene on the 1947 film of Brighton
4. To within a year either way, in
which year was Theresa May born?
(accept 1955-1957)
4 – B
1. Two word answer
required…..which constituency was the first to declare their result in the
2017 General Election?
2. What name is shared by a film
which won the Best Picture at the Academy Awards, and a band who had their
only UK number one hit in 1977?
3. The
third pillar of Islam is Zakat. What does Zakat oblige people to do?
Give to
Charity/the Poor
Signed in 1985, the Schengen
Agreement is named after a town in which country?
5 - B
1. The Dreamtime is the basis of
the understanding of the world and the creation beliefs of which group of
2. Interviewing over 900 witnesses
and costing £150 million pounds, the inquiry by Lord Saville concluding in
1998, was the largest and most expensive enquiry in British legal history at
the time. What infamous event was the inquiry looking into?
3. The Booker Prize winning novel
“Rites of Passage” tells the tale of a 6 month voyage to which country?
4. Also featuring in the name of a
popular modern country band, which word refers to the period of American
history and culture following the Revolutionary War but prior to the American
Civil War?
6 - B
1. Pyrosis is
the medical term for what common complaint?
2. Lake Tanganyika, the world’s
longest freshwater lake, is divided between 4 countries. Tanzania and the
Democratic Republic of Congo are 2. Name either of the others?
Zambia or
3. What was
the name of the round, brick, fortified gun positions, over a 100 of which
were built in the early 19th century along the south coast of England to
repel an expected invasion from Napoleon?
Which crime writer is the author of the “Women’s
Murder Club” series including the books “1st to Die”, “3rd Degree” “7th
Heaven” and the latest in the series “15th Affair”?
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