Friday, 30 July 2021
Quiz Addict Podcast
Quiz Week - All Things Quiz
The latest Quiz Week video from Gareth Kingston excellent All Things Quiz!
The Quiz Addict Podcast
After meaning to do this for a couple of years now, I am finally just about set to launch the Quiz Addict Podcast. I am hoping to release episode starting in August 2021 and it will be a quiz-question based podcast.
Each episode will contained 15-20 questions for you to have a go at! I have found that in the podcasting world there are tons of "game show" style podcasts where you can hear a contestant playing along, but very few that are designed for just the solo listener. 'Plenty Questions' by Lucy Porter pretty much provided this over 2020 with 100 episodes doing exactly that! But with that seemingly at an end now, and not much else out there I thought it would be a good time to launch.
Episodes will come in 4 varieties - Pub Quiz (easier, tamer questions with a focus on pop culture...things I wouldn't be scared to put in a basic pub quiz I host) General Knowledge (much harder sets, aimed at league style players and those wanting to improve) and then themed sets (based on user request, events going on at the time and whatever takes my fancy!). I will also be producing a weekly current affairs quiz which I am sure some people will find helpful.
Ill post all the links up once the first few episodes are sorted, and I look forward to the feedback
World Quiz Championship Preview - Evan Lynch
Another great video from Gareth Kingston's 'All Things Quiz' channel which preview this weekends World Quizzing Championship. This time talking to multiple time MIMIR Wells Winner Evan Lynch
Tokyo 2020 Olympics Quiz - 250+ Questions
I am in the middle of producing a huge revision set for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Like many aficionados I have been living on Tokyo time for the past week and intend to do so for the week to come. I have though set aside to put together a daily revision question set, as lets face it, we all know this content is going to come up in every form of quiz for the next year or so.
Usually I would just post the questions up, but given the time I have put into the set I am happy to send it to anyone who pops a donation to paypal to the side. (Button to the side or - suggested donation £3). The set will be finalised within 48 hours of the Olympics ending and will be a minimum of 250 questions (Probably closer to 400) about the Tokyo games.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
World Quizzing Championship Preview - Victoria Groce
The first in a series of videos from All Things Quiz previewing the upcoming World Quizzing Championship. Starting with a contender for the crown....Victoria Groce!
Friday, 16 July 2021
MK Quiz League
The Milton Keynes Quiz League came to an end this week with Park Splits taking the title in their second season in the online version of the contest.
Due to the lockdown, the league opened out for the last two seasons and allowed people to play from outside the region (as long as the team always fielded 2 home players). I was hooked up with a great team and Monday nights became a weekly quiz highlight!
Big thanks to Ed Ficek who runs the league, and writes every set, and of course my team at the Watts Arms. Its been a fun season and if you are close to the Milton Keynes region and looking for a quiz league then I would urge you to check out the website and get involved. HERE
I will continue to keep an eye out on the sets and of course if I am ever in the area, will be popping into the Watts Arms to sample the beer that has always looked so good from across Zoom!
Thursday, 15 July 2021
All Things Quiz - Quiz Week
The latest video from Gareth Kingstons excellent Youtube channel "All Things Quiz", covering all the latest events in the world of quiz.
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
David Stainer wins Brain of Brains!
Congratulations to David Stainer on victory in the Brain of Brains event held this week on Radio 4. The contest takes place every 3 years between the last three Brain of Britain's, plus the highest scoring runner up, and David, who I am sure you will have seen on many TV quizzes in the past, pulled off a great victory to take the Brain of Brains title.
The show can still be heard HERE
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Online Quiz League - Call for Players
For the past year the Online Quiz League (OQL) has been providing entertainment for quizzers up and down the country, and indeed across the world, every Wednesday night at 8pm. Hundreds of quizzers have been taking part and the league has grown and grown. The new season commences on 29th September and applications are open for teams or individuals (you will be allocated a team). All the information, past sets and sign up details are on the website HERE

Sunday, 11 July 2021
Podcast Suggestion
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Quiz Site Suggestion - Garbage Collector
If you haven't discovered "Garbage Collector" then I highly recommend it. It can be found HERE
The site is written by quizzer Ann Gav and contains a daily doze of around a dozen 'lowbrow' questions which are great for boosting knowledge. The questions are pitched at various levels so there is something for everyone and not a day goes by when I don't learn something for these, and many times these have later proved very useful indeed!
Monday, 5 July 2021
University Challenge Returns 12th July!
In the third piece of "July 12th" news in three days, it has been confirmed that the latest series of University Challenge will commence on July 12th to signal a full return to Quizzy Mondays.

Sunday, 4 July 2021
Brain of Brains - Monday 12th July
Ahead of the new series of Brain of Britain starting on radio 4, the Brain of Brains contest is scheduled to air on Monday 12th July at 3pm. The Brain of Brains takes place every three years and comprises of winners of the three previous series and the best scoring runner up!
Retrospective good luck to all involved - Graham Barker, Hugh Brady, Frankie Franko and David Stainer. Brain of Brains is always a terrific listen and I for one am very much looking forward to it!
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Only Connect - Returns July 12th!
Good news for fans of Only Connect....(and let's face it, which quizzers aren't!)....the show returns on Monday 12th July with a brand new series.
Friday, 2 July 2021
Youtube Suggestion - Several Circles
Over the next few weeks I intend to share a few of the Youtube channels I have been finding useful for quizzing purpose and I want to start off with the superb 'Several Circles' which is an Art-focused podcats covering a wide range of individuals from the world of art. Each video is nice and short, sharp and to the point with plenty of images to back up the discussion. The channel has dozens of videos ranging from the big-names to the more obscure and is well worth your time!
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Brain of Online Quiz League Final Preview
A very good video here previewing the upcoming final of Brain of Online Quiz League (Tier 1). Very interesting to hear top players speaking about the MIMIR format etc. Good luck to Evan Lynch, Oliver Levy, Phil Small and Jonathan Gibson for the final!