Sunday, 6 January 2019

Sunderland Echo Quiz League

The Sunderland Echo Quiz League begins again this week. We are about a third of a way into our season but always on the look out for new teams and players. If you are an individual wanting to extend your quizzing and can get to the Sunderland area every Wednesday night....then I can help line you up with a team.

Maybe you are a venue owner looking to get some extra bodies into the pub on a weekly basis? (Quizzers are very thirsty people!). In that case I can chat to you about the next chance to enter a full team in the league.

Either way, if you can email me at I can give you all the info you need


  1. Tried some questions online. Is the quiz only 24 questions per team?

  2. At least you have a league! We have nothing down here
