Thursday, 3 December 2020

Online Quiz League - Spares

In addition to the Quiz League sets which I have posted early in the week, I also added in a few spare questions in case they were needed. To round off the set, here are those for you to look at as well. Remember my full set, as well as the entire archive for the league can be found HERE

Two Booker Prize winning novels were the basis for movies that won Best Picture Oscars in the 1990s. Schindler’s List was one, what was the other?    

The English Patient


The name of which Alpine Goat is included in the name of the Spanish Stock Market Index ?



The plinth of the statue of which Labour politician, standing in Buchanan Street, Glasgow, is inscribed with the opening words of the Scotland Act: “There Shall Be a Scottish Parliament

Donald Dewar

Two European capitals lie on the same latitude (48º__´N) as Paris. One is Bratislava, name the other?



Who was elected Prime Minister in the year that 18 year olds were allowed to vote for the first time in Britain?

Edward Heath

Which Government organisation is housed in a building known as the “Doughnut”?


“Love or Mummy” was the title of the first episode of which 1980s sitcom?


The first episode of which classic BBC sitcom involves the main character “having a bit of trouble with the coal shed door”?

Some Mothers Do Av Em


The World Economic Forum takes place each year in Davos. In what European Country is Davos?


What is the name of the American woman who spent four years in an Italian prison for the Murder of British student Meredith Kircher, only for her conviction to be overturned?

Amanda Knox


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