I have criminally failed to mention Quiz in the North as much as I should have over the past few years on the blog. The next event is coming up on the 30th March in Stockton and is well worth considering!
The event was set up a few years back for quizzers to get together and compete in testing quizzes in a fun, socialable environment with plenty of quizzing action throughout the day. Every event I have been to has been well organised, fun and with great sets of questions and I expect nothing less when the Quiz in the North hits Stockton on March 30th. Ill copy and paste the blurb below from the website.
"The next Quiz in the North Event is going to take place at the Malleable Club on Norton Road in Norton, TS20 2PH on the 30th of March. It's going to hosted by Clive Dunning, and just happens to take place on a very special day for him. Doors open at 11am and the individual quiz written by Rob Hannah will start at 11.30. The afternoon will feature a team quiz written by Tony Gold and there are plenty of good quality places nearby to go for lunch between the quizzes. The club is also within 5 minutes walks of A Weatherspoons and a number of other pubs and restaurants for anyone who wants to socialise afterwards. If you'd like to take part please register using the Eventbrite link below"
Link to Event Brite Page
If you need any more information let me know and I can put you in touch with the relevant people!