Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Pub Quiz Round #3


1.      What board game would you be playing if you encountered the animal characters Happy, Harry, Henry and Hoer?

Hungry Hippos

2.      The controversial TV personality and journalist, Katie Hopkins, shot to fame in 2006 when she appeared on which competitive tv show? She reached the final stages only to reject her place in the final and walk out!

The Apprentice

3.      Since it was first introduced, the UK Census has always took place in years ending with what number?


4.      What kind of crabs, grow at such a rapid rate, that they often need to locate bigger shells and are best known for the way in which they compete to gain these new shells?

Hermit Crabs

5.      What animal appears on the most number of national flags in the world….An eagle, a Lion or a Dragon?


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