Friday, 3 September 2021

Online Quiz League - Season 5 - Call for Players and Teams!


The Online Quiz League, which was launched around 18 months ago, is currently on a mid season break with Season 5 due to start on 29th September 2021. This is the perfect chance to get involved!

The league was launched at the start of the first UK lockdown with the intention of providing quizzing action for the UK quizzing community and beyond. The league has grown season on season and continues to attract a wide range of players.

With multiple divisions, promotions and relegations and spin off competitions, there is something for everyone in OQL. Yes, the top divisions contain the finest quizzers in the country such as TV's Chasers and Eggheads, but the team have done a great job structuring the divisions meaning no matter how experience a quizzer you are, you will be playing at a level similar to yours!

The league takes place every Wednesday at 8pm (UK Time) and its played in teams of 4. You can enter as a team, or if you are an individual entering, you will be placed on a scratch team.

I am sure I speak for the hundreds of other quizzers who have played in OQL when I say it quickly became a weekly highlight and shows no sign of slowing down as society re-opens. 

All information is HERE and if you do sign up please quote QuizAddict (or Daniel Fullard) for your referral information. 

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