Saturday, 16 July 2022

Podcast - 1st Anniversary - Ideas


It has crept up on me a little bit, but in a few weeks The Quiz Addict Podcast will turn one year old! In that short period of time, I will have released circa 275 episodes in all and when I first started it up, I didn't dream I would get the download numbers I have. So, if you have every listened to an episode, a very big thank you. I enjoy setting questions and without my pub quiz to run now, the podcast as been a nice outlet for me to keep on writing.

Anyway, I am looking for ideas to do something to commemorate the 1st year anniversary. I was thinking possibly a live episode, 30 mins on something like Twitch so there can be an interactive element? A mega episode with 100 questions? Or a day of hourly episode as I did for the movie marathon? I certainly would like to do something a bit different so if you have any ideas let me know!

Either email or @quizaddictblog on twitter

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