Monday 27 November 2017

Best Quiz Books of 2017 #6 - The Only Quiz Book You Will Ever Need

The final entry in this series is again, not a book that was released this year, but instead a book I have managed to work on during 2017.  I did buy the Kindle version of this when it was originally released but found that version hard to use, hence I picked up a copy from a local book store this year.

The book is written by some big names in the world of quiz, including Egghead Pat Gibson, under the banner of the National Quiz Team. As you would expect therefore, the book is very very testing and there will be questions that appear in this book you won't hear anywhere else, or probably ever hear again. On the whole, the book is fun and starts of with a bit of a "something for everyone" approach but if you stick with it until the end, you will face some of the toughest questions you are ever likely to encounter outside of a competitive quiz event.

Fun and enjoyable, but not for the faint hearted!

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