I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and holiday period. With 2020 now behind us, let's look forward to what hopefully be a better year!
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Quizzing in 2021 - Low Brow MIMIR - Sign Up Now!
If my posts regarding the Quizzing events that have enriched 2020, then its probably worth mentioning a few ideas for Quizzing events you can get involved in in 2021!
Starting in January, the Lowbrow MIMIR is the newest competition from the Online Quiz League. Quizzers from across the country (and indeed globe) will compete in this individual contest aimed at Lowbrow knowledge (see picture above for definition of what this covers). The MIMIR format involves 4 players competing at a time, and the way the structure works means that you will eventually be paired with people of your own level so games should be close, tight and above all else fun!
The setting team is the same one that are behind the fantastic questions on the Online Quiz League, so the quality is going to be high. Don't be daunted by the idea of individual quizzing!
You can sign up HERE and please mentioned The Quiz Addict or Daniel Fullard when you do so!
Monday, 28 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 - Summary
Sunday, 27 December 2020
New Years Eve -Twitter Quiz
Throughout the day on the Quiz Addict Twitter account @quizaddictblog I will be running a 300 question quiz with questions posted throughout the day.
Prizes will be included at random times so make sure you follow the account and see you on Twitter!
Quizzing in 2020 - The Pub Quiz
In addition to the series that has looked at the quizzing world of 2020. the changes, the innovations and the vast array of options we now have as quizzers, I can't ignore one aspect of 2020 that has changed by quizzing and that is the disappearance of the Pub Quiz, specifically my Sunday Night quiz at The Albert in Sunderland. Although some quizzes did start up again briefly during the Summer, the local restrictions, nature of the quiz and usual array of teams, meant that relaunching the quiz wasn't really viable and to stay on the safe side, it hasn't taken place since March. The pub itself remained open when permitted, operating with a delicious festive takeaway menu at the moment, but the quiz is still yet to return.
Like many other hosts, I miss various parts of hosting the pub quiz. The research each week not only was enjoyable but added to my own knowledge and during the lockdown period, I have been able to answer countless questions correct due to the fact that I had set it in the pub quiz. Particularly current affairs stuff....and indeed the reverse has happened, I have missed out on getting points on current affairs questions I would have lapped up if I was setting.
I have missed more than just the research and quiz writing element. Sunday night's were more of a social thing and I had great teams competing on a regular basis. The quiz did take up a lot of my week and was hitting a good stride before Lockdown hit, so the year of hard work was really starting to pay off.
Lets hope 2021 sees the Albert Pub Quiz return in some form!
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Boxing Day Twitter Quiz
Over at my Twitter account @quizaddictblog I will be posting up several questions throughout the day on Boxing Day. A wide mix of things and Im hoping to post in excess of 100 questions. Follow the account and play along
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 - #9 - Quizzing.com/UK Quiz Circuit
Quizzing in 2020 #8 - Youtube
Another avenue explored by quiz hosts, setters and players during the months of lockdown was and continues to be Youtube. I must admit that despite the occasional good quiz from established setters, as well as the broadcasting of events/finals from the leagues mentioned below, few quiz based channels really stood out for me, and other than "Jays Online Pub Quiz" (which sadly I cant review in this series as I didn't take part this year - but huge Kudos to Jay for the charity work this developed into and he has been rightly honoured for his efforts) very little success was had. Until All Things Quiz came along...
All Things Quiz is the brainchild of quizzer Gareth Kingston who has been an active member of the quizzing community ever since I started being aware of it 10 years ago. Whilst people logging into Zoom to compete in Online quizzes, and the market became ever more congested, Gareth began to offer an alternative product. All Things Quiz is a mixture of Quiz News, Quiz Discussion, Live Reaction Videos and Quiz Competitions. Content is uploaded on a regular basis and there always seems to be something new to watch.
The Quiz News weekly show is a great way to catch up with the latest developments in the quiz world and covers all the major leagues. You can see the latest News Week video HERE. Hopefully, for new players, this weekly video also makes people more aware of what quizzing options are out there!
There have also been several 'chat' videos discussing quizzing topics. The one on Cheating which can be found HERE was very interesting. Sadly, cheating has reared its ugly head regularly throughout lockdown with quite heated discussions taking place online. The Chat video linked above features Online Quiz League founder Jon Stitcher discussing the matter with Gareth after a particularly controversial moment.
There is too much content to go through individually, but another highlight was the Quiz Omnium. You can see episode 1 HERE. The show is a unique format, devised by Gareth, as a 4 player matchup testing a wide range of quizzing skills. You can see some top quizzers taking part in the first series on the link above, and I am pleased to read that the Omnium will be returning in 2021!
All in all, All Things Quiz is a fantastic addition to the quiz community and like many other things mentioned in this series of posts, it is something that will continue long after the current situation is over
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 # 7 - Speed Quizzing
I mentioned a few days ago, the excellent 50@6 daily quizzes that utilise the Speedquizzing software, and given how many quizzes I have played in using Speedquizzing software over the year, its worth a mention of its own!
I have always enjoyed Speedquizzing on the rare occasions I get to play. Sadly, that is not through choice but it just appears that the company have yet to breakthrough in the north east region and hence its rare to find a pub running a Speedquizzing event. Hopefully, Lockdown has changed that as players and hosts have seen how good it can be!
Speedquizzing were one of the first, if not the first, major Quiz Company to start moving things online as Lockdown hit and indeed have certainly been the most successful. Initially, everything was free to hosts so there became such a huge choice of quizzes it was overwhelming at times and I spent more time picking what quizzes to play that playing I think. The quality varied massively but I managed to find a nice regular 3-4 quizzes to play which were largely cheat free and fun questions. Don't get me wrong, there were some awful quizzes out there with rampant cheating and you have to accept that people in the room aren't probably taking it as serious as you. (typified by the fact people will buzz answers to multiple choice questions before the question!).
But in general, with Pub Quizzes a no go, Speedquizzing has provided thousands of people with enjoyment over the past year and gave people a new appreciation of quizzing. One positive affect of this could be that people who didn't used to attend Quizzes in the past, may be tempted when pubs reopen due to their experiences of quizzing online. They now charge online hosts if they have over 12 players logged in which has meant two things - a) hosts either ask for donations or now charge a fee to play and b) the quality is higher as the weaker quizzes have vanished and what you see left are the ones people enjoy enough to pay!
There are some many quizzes ranging from themed ones to general knowledge to tournaments etc and the best way to get involved is HERE. You can see listings of quizzes and usually of an evening you can find a quiz starting every hour
Monday, 21 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 #6 - MK Quiz League
The Milton Keynes Quiz League, like many of those all over the country, decided to move online later in the Summer as it became apparent a return to normal face to face quizzing was not an option. I have always followed the League sets online and enjoyed playing them, so I was very intrigued when the League opened up its Online division to players from outside of the area.
I was placed on a team with several locals and its been a blast so far. We are only 5-6 games into the season but the sets have been very high standard and the pairs are always tightly balanced with a "subject choice" round that is unique to this league. All in all, the league is a pleasure to play in and I for one will miss it as and when it moves back into pubs!
You can find information on the league and all sets HERE. If you are in the Milton Keynes area I would certainly suggest you get involve. Even if you are new to quizzing, this is an ideal league due to the nature of the sets!
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Christmas University Challenge - Starts Tomorrow
Always one of the highlights of the festive season, the Christmas tournament edition of University Challenge begins to air tomorrow night on BBC 2. 10 episodes are scheduled to run and the series always provides a high level of competition with the usual top quality questions!
Quizzing in 2020 #5 - 50@6
To continue on the series of Quizzing highlights from 2020, then the quiz referred to as "50@6" has been another highlight. It uses the Speedquizzing Live software (more on that later) and occurs every night of the week at 6pm. As the name suggests its 50 questions quiz, handicaps are in play to balance things out and some of the top quizzers in the UK compete. The setting duties are passed around and it always makes for a fun, varied and interesting quiz. In the peak of Lockdown I was able to play most days, but had to tone it down when I went back to work. I miss playing every day but its always a great quiz to play when I can.
The best way to get involved is via the Facebook page HERE
Saturday, 19 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 #4 - Wikiquiz
To continue on with the series looking at Quizzing in 2020, we move onto to Wikiquiz. I am moving away from Zoom based quizzes for now to look at a format Will Jones designed well before Lockdown hit. As far as I am aware, plans were in place to launch Wikiquiz as a platform for quizzers to compete against each other in user created sets and bring the online quiz community together. When lockdown hit, the timing meant that Wikiquiz, which launched at a similar time to the first UK lockdown announcement, was where thousands of quizzers turned to get their fix.
A brief look at the
leaderboards from the first quizzes published on the site, to the ones on the
present day, showcase just how far this has reached. In terms of sheer numbers of players who have
competed, Wikiquiz would stand tall above any other of the innovations that
have launched this year. Players from across the globe compete ranging from
novices you have stumbled across the site to TV professionals. Some may do
every quiz they can, others may pick the more specialist topics. Either way
Wikiquiz has something for everyone. Users create bespoke quizzes on all manner
of subjects and some of the finest setters in the country offer up regular
sets. And of course its all free!
At the heart of Wikiquiz is what are known as “Main Event”
quizzes which are typically 50 questions long and take place every night at 7pm
and 9pm. Players have 30 minutes to answer and then a leaderboard is released.
There was something novel and interesting about playing a quiz at a set time
knowing players around the globe were tackling the same set!
The software behind the site made things all the more
enjoyable. As a player, it couldn’t be any simpler……read the questions, type
your answer. As a setter, the marking system is just a joy to behold. Will Jones created something that has been cherished by thousands of quizzers throughout this awful year and long may it continue!
I think if you added up how many people had played how many
quizzes since the launch of Wikiquiz the numbers would be staggering. The full
archive is available on the site and it also lists live and upcoming quizzes
too. Even if you only remotely like an occasional quiz, there is something on
there for everyone but for the true obsessives out there Wikiquiz has been a central factor in the hobby we enjoy!
You will find the site HERE
Friday, 18 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 #3 - MIMIR'S Well
I had never played in the quiz format know as a MIMIR until Lockdown. In fact, as they had never been available to me I wasn’t actually sure what a MIMIR was but 9 months later and I am now a veteran with literally 100s of games behind me, mainly online friendlies and suchlike, but it all began for me with MIMIRS Well.
Organised by top ranking quizzers including Daoud Jackson and Joey Goldman, MIMIR’s Well took the 4 person format online. It is an individual quiz with quads of questions (the best way to learn if interested is to watch the video below of a recent final – although don’t be put off, the heats are easier and you play against people at your own level). Various seasons have already been held and with around 200 quizzers playing, you could see how this could become an organisational headache, but the smooth and seamless way in which the structure was devised means that even newbies to the format can easily take part!
Being individual, and containing some of the worlds top players, the standard is high and topics emerge from every aspect of the quiz canon. But eventually after a few games, the system works out and you end up playing against players with similar records to yours. Meaning games tend to be close and points hard fought. The questions are written to a very high standard indeed, and indeed the setting team deserve credit for being able to produce such quantities of quads of questions that continue to entertain quiz folk. I have tried writing a MIMIR before and coming up with balanced, fair and interesting quads is by no means an easy feat.
If you are looking for a weekly individual quiz challenge that will push your knowledge to the limits then suggest taking a look at the MIMIRS Wells website HERE and giving it a go. The games are around 30-45 minutes long and you only play once per week. A season is currently in progress but I suspect around February time a new league will commence so make sure you Register HERE and mentioned Daniel Fullard/Quiz Addict when you do.
Video below from a recent final…
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 #2 - Quarantine Virtual Quiz League
Continuing on in the series of looking back at Quizzing of
2020, today I look at another League based quizzing event…this time Dave
Tilleys “Quarantine Virtual Quiz League”.
Dave was quick to get the league organised as lockdown hit
and attracted some of the UK’s finest players, including the likes of Eggheads
Pat Gibson and Paul Sinha from the Chase. In fact, the season seemed to start in a flash and I
ended up debuting for a game or two in the initial season after a drop out.
However, after seeing the league in action, I proposed to team mates from the
Online Quiz League team (Disparate Origins) that we enter Season 2….and low and
behold we did.
The format is very much the same as a lot of Quiz Leagues
with teams of 4 competing on individual questions. The entire league is ran of
the Free Guess rule and questions are set by the teams. Meaning every team sits
out one week and submits a set of questions. This gives the league its own
character as you never quite know what to expect with the questions! Safe to
say, there are some fantastic setters in the league but also many more traditional
quiz league sets which gives the Tuesday Nights some variety. I also do like putting
a question set together.
Dave keeps a tight handle on the league and co-ordinates the
nights meaning you simply turn up and play. It has grown to 16 teams in Season
2 and looking to add more for Season 3 which begins in January 2021. If you are
interested in submitting a team, or indeed entering as an individual, pop me an
email to daniel@thequizaddict.com
and Ill put you in touch with the organiser. (There is a Facebook group if you
search for “Quarantine Virtual Quiz League”).
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020 #1 - Online Quiz League
So, to begin the series of looking back at 2020 in the year
of quizzing, there is only one place that I can really begin and that is the
Online Quiz League ran by Jon Stitcher. As with all hobbies and interests, when
Lockdown hit in March the thousands of folk across the UK who love to quiz
suddenly had that opportunity taken away from them. Pubs were shut, events were
cancelled and leagues were put on hold. Some quizmasters jumped the gun and
tried to move online quickly, others gave up and decided to ride it out,
whilst others took time to plan and
prepare a league format that would appeal to quizzers all over the country from
those at the elite level, to those who never had quizzed before in a league
format. Sounds impossible?.......From this the Online Quiz League was born….
The league seemed ambitious and nothing like it had been
tried before. Could it work? How would quizzers cope competing via Zoom? Would
the whole thing being “online” cast a shadow over proceedings? Would it crash
and burn? In the early days, no one really knew the answers to these questions.
Players, organisers and setters alike were in a new world. The initial uptake
though looked promising with quizzers from across the UK, and later from around
the globe, lining up to compete. From TV Chasers to World Champions to quiz
novices, the first season attracted a barrage of players with an impressive 36
Suddenly, Wednesday nights became the weekly highlight and
Jon recruited some of the finest setters in the country to put together sets
for the league. Every week at 8pm players lined up on Zoom to take on the
challenge and the league continued to flourish. Not only that but quiz sessions
often ran late into the night with friendlies and get togethers that started to
create a real community amongst players in the Online Quiz League. In the peak
lockdown period it was common for sessions to still be going strong at 2am.
(The main game runs from 8pm until around 9pm)
By Season 2, 54 teams were competing and this is looking to
increase as Season 3 is due to commence in January. In fact, I think there is
enough time to register as both a team or as an individual (please quote The
Quiz Addict or Daniel Fullard if you do!). I began in this league just
registering as a solo player and was put on a great team with some top class
quizzers who I have went on to entering several other events with. All info
On a personal level, the OQL, along with several other of
the online quizzes I am to mention in this series has revitalised my quizzing
and in fact I am quizzing more than ever! I had never played in a team based
quiz with individual questions before and the only league I had access to up
here in Sunderland is very different altogether and I had stopped playing
around 2 years ago. So having the chance of playing in this sort of league,
with experienced and dedicated setters, top level quizzers and a wide reaching
range of questions was one I was always going to jump at. As mentioned above, I
was lucky enough to be placed within a friendly team and have met some great
people via the medium of Zoom.
And I am one of hundreds of players who is glad to hear that the OQL is planned to run and run. In many ways its a shame that its took a worldwide pandemic to bring to life such a wonderful concept played in the best of of spirits, but now that OQL is here, I intend to make the most of it for as long as possible. With a 16 month old daughter, my quizzing has been somewhat restricted in recent years but the OQL has given me focus, enjoyment and without doubt has been a weekly highlight ever since it began.
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Quizzing in 2020
When 2020 began, I couldn’t imagine writing the sort of
posts I am about to write over the next few days. I intend to look back at 2020
in quizzing, by looking through leagues I’ve played in, competitions I’ve
enjoyed and changes to the quiz world.
Thinking ahead, pretty much everything I am going to mention or discuss
would not have happened without the pandemic. For the literally thousands of
quizzers across the UK (and indeed many more across the world), the pandemic
brought the community together in ways we could not have imagined and the quiz
world is in a very different place now than what is was 12 months ago. I will
begin tomorrow by looking at the Online Quiz League….
Mastermind 2020/2021 - Heats 8 and 9
Heat 8
and 9
Due to a busy few weeks, I feel a
little bit behind on the Mastermind front so just a quick recap this week of
the past two heats in the first round. Some excellent quizzers on display in
each heat, and the competition is really hotting up now. The good news for fans
of Mastermind is that the series is planned to air as normal during the Xmas
period with episodes sticking to 7.30pm on Mondays! On with the heats.
Heat 8
Heat 8 aired last week and taking to the chair were…
- Nick
- Harry
- Stephen
- Claire Murphy
At the end of the specialist
round the standings were as follows
Roberts |
Fish of GB |
10 |
Murphy |
Manuel Miranda |
9 |
Shaw |
Cave |
7 |
Bell |
of UK Scouting |
5 |
A rare
double figures on a SS in this series of the show placed Nick Roberts in a
commanding position going into the GK. Stephen Bell took to the seat first and
matched his 5 from the first round. The shake of the head as he went back to
the seat suggested the set was a tricky one. Harry needed a large double figure
score to put pressure on his rivals. He scored throughout the round on a range
of subjects, netting 9 points. Perhaps not quite enough but a solid performance
Murphy was next and took no time to settle into her stride and flew through the
set firing off answers rapidly to rack up her total. Indeed, her score of 21
was impressive, and as I keep saying anything north of 20 is rare this series. In
fact only 3 people had scored higher than her in the 8 heats so far at this
point. Could Nick Roberts change that? A horrible Stoptober questions kicked
off the set (I would certainly have said drinking too!) and modern popular music
followed to give a stuttering start. The scoring came throughout the round but
a few pauses and a set I am Nick would agree probably didn’t allow him to
showcase his General Knowledge meant he couldn’t match Claire’s total.
to Claire Murphy on what turned out to be a commanding win! Another contender
to keep an eye on for the next round!
Contestant |
Specialist Subject |
SS |
GK |
Total |
Claire Murphy |
Lin Manuel Miranda |
9 |
12 |
21 |
Nick Roberts |
Freshwater Fish of GB |
10 |
8 |
18 |
Harry Shaw |
Nick Cave |
7 |
9` |
16 |
Stephen Bell |
History of UK Scouting |
5 |
5 |
10 |
Heat 9
Onto the
heat aired last night (14th December) and I have some vested interest here….Lining up were….
- Wanda
- Kieran Edge
- Sallie Phillips
- Ashton Davies
I have
quizzed many times both online and offline with Ashton Davies who is a terrific
quizzer in any format you put him in! So naturally, I was rooting for him here
and knew it would take one of the other contenders to produce something special
to defeat him….
At the end of the specialist
round the standings were as follows
Davies |
Drake |
11 |
Shaw |
Singer Sergent |
11 |
Phillips |
Austen Novels |
9 |
Edge |
Sopranos |
7 |
Davies showed his class with a solid 11, which was matched by Wanda. Both of
these were, at this stage the second highest SS scores of the series, only one
behind Frankie Frankos 12 in the very first episode.
Onto the
GK then and Kieran Edge was first to take the chair moving his score up to 12
on what I thought was a tricky set.
Sallie Phillips hit double figures on her General Knowledge and took her
score to 20, a score that would have won 3 heats so far this series. But was it
enough? Wanda added 9 to her total bringing her total to 20. An even rarer feat
to have two 20 plus score in a heat.
Ashton Davies next and barely a foot was put wrong in the opening half as he approached the figure of 20 quickly and then kept adding an adding. A true masterclass in how to play the GK round in Mastermind. A confident, impressive display…the joint highest GK score of the series so far and the second highest total. Another contender for the crown emerges!
A high
quality heat all round and congratulations to Ashton! Best of Luck for the next
Contestant |
Specialist Subject |
SS |
GK |
Total |
Ashton Davies |
Nick Drake |
11 |
15 |
26 |
Wanda Shaw |
John Singer Sergent |
11 |
9 |
20 |
Sallie Phillips |
Jane Austen Novels |
10 |
10 |
20 |
Kieran Edge |
The Sopranos |
7 |
5 |
12 |
And the current Mastermind season leader board now
looks like this…
Contestant |
Total |
Frankie Franko |
27 (w) |
Ashton Davies |
26 (w) |
Claire Barrow |
23 (w) |
Tom Lee |
21 (w) |
Claire Murphy |
21 (w) |
Emma Haley |
21 |
Sally Wilson |
21 |
Jackie Hunter |
20 (w) |
Steve Goddard |
20 (w) |
Jane McDonnell |
20 |
Sallie Phillips |
20 |
Wanda Shaw |
20 |
Jacqueline Jones |
19 (w) |
Colin Wilson |
19 |
Lawrence Cook |
19 |
Poppy Mckenzie Smith |
19 |
Andrew Fortyish |
18 |
Ikenna Oguguo |
18 |
Jamie Hall |
18 |
Nick Roberts |
18 |
Sarah Knapper |
18 |
Edana Guest |
17 (w) |
Adrian Segens |
17 |
Bryony Ashcroft |
17 |
Alex Hardwick |
16 |
Annabelle Dunwoody |
16 |
Dani Cugini |
16 |
Harry Score |
16 |
Jeremy Sullivan |
16 |
Kitty Grant |
16 |
Jonathan Sargant |
15 |
Thomad De Bock |
15 |
Cecil Morgan |
14 |
Peter Almond |
14 |
Kieran Edge |
12 |
Stephen Bell |
10 |
*the (w) indicates that score won the heat
Other Mastermind season records this
far –
Highest GK Total – Frankie Franko – 15 and Ashton Davies - 15
Highest SS Total – Frankie Franko – 12
Highest Scoring Heat – Heat 1 – (Tom Lee, Sally Wilson, Emma
Haley, Adrian Segens) – 80
Highest scoring combined GK heat – Heat 7 – 42 points (Claire Barrow, Lawrence Cook, Thomas De
Bock, Sarah Knapper)