Monday, 28 December 2020

Quizzing in 2020 - Summary

I hope the series of posts on Quizzing in 2020 has inspired you to join in some of the great innovations that are taking place in the Quizzing community. The first months of 2021 may indeed be grim ones, but there has never been a better time to get involved in some serious quizzing, or not so serious if you prefer.

Looking back on 2020 purely in Quizzing terms, I like many others have probably never done have much quizzing as I have this year. In fact, there is no probably about it. Playing in 3-4 leagues, daily buzzer quizzes, pub quizzes, Wikiquiz.....the list goes on. The community has really come out in force and I have met some great new people as well as seen more regularly online that I would in reality. A quizzing friend of mine, in a discussion on the subject, used the term "new lease of life" and in many ways that is what has happened to my quizzing in 2020.

Becoming a new parent and moving home in 2019 pretty much wiped out that year for me. Having left the Sunderland Echo Quiz League and not attending GP's or events such as Quiz in North, meant I was quizzing very rarely indeed and not at all at a serious level.  A handful of pub quizzes here and there and running my own pub quiz was all I really had going on. Yes I was still looking at GP papers, viewing league sets online and setting questions but with the void of serious quiz action I was struggling to find the motivation to improve.

A year later and things are very different. It seems a bit awkward writing a a positive post about 2020, but looking at things in terms of purely quizzing, the year has seen a wide range of innovations that have provided enjoyment to thousands of people. Nobody could have predicted the year we would have, but the dedication, hard work and commitment of the people behind the scenes of the various quiz leagues to make things work online has been beyond admirable. 

Quizzing has never been more active, and in terms of serious players competing against each other and tackling serious questions, there have never been as many options. As quizzers, we have never had such a luxury of choice and the buck doesn't just stop with the organised events. The social aspect and informal quizzing has been a side effect of the move to quizzing online with late night sessions running into the small hours. A quick post on the relevant facebook pages and you could have a Zoom room full of quizzers in no-time!

Many of the innovations of 2020 will continue long after this horrendous year is over. There has been fundamental shifts in the quizzing community and it will be interesting to see how things pan out. 2021 I am sure will be a better year and one that is full of more quiz than ever!

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