Wednesday 4 July 2012 - Update

I reported last week that the online quiz game with real money prize that ran last week,, had seemingly gone offline shortly after the contest ended.

I managed to get an email from a fellow quizzer and have since been paid into Paypal. If anyone else needs the email address it is

As far as I know Jamie is sorting all payments out and I know the main winner, £1,000, has been paid as well as other top prizes.


  1. I came 5th in that quiz and won £50. I assumed that everyone would be paid by cheque as it said in the rules, but if they're doing it by PayPal, that should be quicker. I can try emailing Jamie and seeing if he can pay my winnings into my PayPal account.

  2. Replies
    1. Well, I got the £50 paid into my PayPal account, but a £1.90 fee was taken off v_v Ah, well, at least it saves them sending me a cheque, I suppose...

  3. Jamie is the founder of Glasses Direct, as it happens.
