Saturday 17 December 2011

The Wipeout Round!

A few quizzes I attend and have attended in the past use a "Wipeout Round". I am sure you all have played such a round and it usually consists of 10 questions with one point for each and bonus set of points if all are correct. The catch being if you answer one of the ten wrong, you score 0 for the round.....your score is wiped out!

What I want to talk about really is the effect this round has on your quiz playing and how you tend to play the round?

Unfortunately I am Mr. Caution. I'd much rather take 3-4 points than risk going for 7 or 8 with an answer I don't know about. Last night was a typical example whereby I had a few questions in there I knew 100% with no doubt (Eurovision Winner....right up my street, Roman Numerals, Colour of Smurfs hat) but then some questions arose which under normal quiz settings I would have got. Such as the highest paid drama actor in America....Hugh Laurie was obvious but we didnt risk it and it was correct!....another 3 questions came up we could have got and said answers to but didnt risk it. In the end it cost us the well as my aforementioned Himmler answer changing problem.

Each and every time this happens at a pub quiz we always time we will risk it....but sure enough when the next pub quiz comes along we crumble and play safe. How do you tend to play it?#

The other thing I like about having a Wipeout round is the way it changes the dynamics of the way you play the quiz....suddenly the "Lets have guess" and "Who could it be?" discussion are over and its replaced by "Are you sure?" "Are you 100%?". Either way its a different way of playing and variety is they say the spice of life.

So any readers who want to mention their opinions of such rounds and the way they play such rounds in a pub quiz feel free!

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